The island of Capri, today known throughout the world for its beauty, emerges mightily from a bright and intense blue sea, gently integrating the strength of an almost dolomitic karst rock with typically Mediterranean lights, colors and aromas.
Located just thirty kilometers from the Bay of Naples and forty minutes by hydrofoil, Capri also offers a tradition of great hospitality, coniugnado an atmosphere of sympathy, liveliness and culture with the intense aromas of the earth and the flavors of a good kitchen.
Emperors and philosophers, artists and poets, rich and unusual characters have always been attracted, as by a subtle appeal, to the island of the Sirens of Ulysses, thus contributing to give the island a cosmopolitan character and to establish the myth.
From the times of the Magna Graecia, then with the Romans and up to the present day, Capri has always exercised a great fascination in history, taking already in the antiquity great fame among the Mediterranean islands, in 29 BC. the Emperor Caesar Augustus, enraptured by the beauty of Capri, bought it in exchange for Ischia, while Emperor Tiberius, his successor, chose it as his home, building 12 villas which he dedicated to the 12 Gods of Olympus and in effect giving it isolates the role of Capital of the Roman Empire for about 20 years.
Capri is celebrated not only in the chronicles of Tacitus and Suetonius, but by F.F. Bouchard in the seventeenth century, from Norbert Hadrawa at the end of the eighteenth century and from Ferdinando Gregorouius in the middle of the following century to reach the most famous chronicles of our time.
In this century the island has been the point of confluence around which much of the current of thought that formed the culture of our years has rotated, politicians and futurists, poets and prophets have worked in Capri, feeding the legend of an open elected territory to illustrious exiles and inspired artists.
Capri thus offers a combination of past, present and future, from the memories of the imperial palaces to the exclusive villas of today as the ideal background to rediscover an atmosphere of quality and give breath to inspiration.